Sensible Woo with Ginger Williams

Episode #54

Ginger works with online business owners to make their data management and software systems flow with ease so that their online businesses actually run online. By teaching her clients that they are their own best tech guru, she helps them discover how to make their business back end match their public-facing brand. Through a system she has developed called Digital Feng Shui, she helps clients master milestones so they have time and energy for more clients and more revenue.

Here are the minute markers with the highlights of this episode:

00:03:32 How Ginger became an entrepreneur

00:08:28 How to become a tech-guru

00:13:07 Thrive Business Thrive - a message from our sponsor

00:14:00 Tips to being more organized in analog and digital work spaces

00:18:58 How to tap into your intuition with confidence as a business owner

00:22:56 Creating a better flow in your business

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