Kc Rossi 0:02
Are you ready to scale your business in a way that's aligned with your soul, and profitable? I'm Kc Rossi, a Business and Leadership Coach. I've been a full time entrepreneur for 30 years and love business. I help conscious leaders increase their impact and optimize their lives. Join me each week for tips and deep conversations on cultivating confidence, increasing your visibility, elevating your vibration, and leading with purpose without burning out. Let's go!
Hello, beautiful! Welcome. Welcome back to the show. Today is a chilly day here in Upstate, New York. We're expecting a storm with five plus inches of snow. I hope this episode finds you warm and cozy with a smile on your face that you're humming along with intention and equipose, that you are feeling calm on purpose and in your body. If not, that's okay too. Your being here shows that you're ready to take a breath, tune in and catch a spark of motivation and reset.
Today, we are going to be talking about granting ourselves grace. You most likely have spent all year granting others grace, being compassionate and showing kindness to your family, partner, clients, pets. But when was the last time that you showed yourself kindness, softness and understanding? As high achievers, we spend a lot of time writing to do lists, thinking of ways to get more done, create more, serve more, just do more in general. And it's time to slow down and take a page from nature.
As the Winter Solstice is right around the corner here in the northern hemisphere, it's December 21, 2022. But no matter when you are listening to this, you will benefit from taking a beat, breathing into intention and slowing down. The term Solstice comes from the Latin word sol, which means sun, and sistere, which means to stand still, because during the solstice, the angle between the sun's rays, and the plane of the Earth's equator, appears to stand still. I think that's really cool. We can learn a lot by observing nature and the laws of the universe. And this event is an opportunity to honor both the dark and the light within yourself, as you acknowledge the dark night and the shortest day of the year.
So what does that mean? When you hear honor the dark parts of you, it's referring to things that don't serve you - your shadow parts. And that really includes your thoughts, feelings, actions that you'd like to transform, shift or release. And we all have them. And it's healthy to acknowledge them, versus stuffing down or being in denial. So I know for many years, I would turn it around too quickly. I was very much into positive psychology, and really doing the work of checking my thoughts but also flipping a negative thought. And that can really lead to toxic positivity, because we all have these shadow parts inside of us. And when we acknowledge them, or make friends with them, or really just really just acknowledge, acknowledge that they exist, our relationship with ourselves becomes much more powerful. And we have an opportunity to not only experience some of the pain and suffering that maybe we were trying to avoid. But when we do, we're also being able to dial into the positivity in a much more embodied real way that's out of our head. Because when we shut down from one emotion, whether it's fear, sadness or anxiety, we're really tuning ourself out from the other spectrum of emotions, the joy, the bliss, the contentment.
So this is an opportunity, the solstice is an opportunity, to honor both the darkness or the shadow parts of yourself and the light parts - the light parts like your virtues, your strengths, your positivity, the goodness within again in thought, word and deed. Powerful time of the year. So the solstice is a time to look within. And I like to think about it like a little self audit, peering in with curiosity and wonder. Again, addressing both dark and shadow elements and purity and light aspects within. And you really, you can do this any time of the year. It's just that this energy of Winter points us to go within and it gives us this extra boost of collective consciousness, to take the time to be still and give space to new inspiration to emerge.
This is such an opportunity, it's a process not to be rushed. Really relish in it. I invite you to try not to have this be just another thing on the to-do list. Now if you're like me, you'll need to mark it down and blockout space. So yes, we're using our calendar. Because otherwise life can rush on by. So to ensure that you honor and respect this opportunity, put it in the books, but also relish in it and don't rush the process. Use the energy of nature to support you during this time.
All right, back to the title of this episode, grant yourself, Grace. When I even hear the word grace, it calms my nervous system. The word is soft, and flowing. It evokes a vision of a beautiful fluid dancer for me, Goddess energy, very light and airy. When was the last time that you honored your own light -- that flame within you that soul force energy that has the power to ignite light for days? Now, you may have felt it every now and then. But can you hold on to that power? Do you have a practice in place that amplifies that power? If this is something that is interesting to you, if it's a desire, like yes, Kc, I can relate to this. There are times when I feel like I'm in so much flow, that I'm on purpose, that I'm really being a conduit for the higher intentions to flow through me, now is your time to regroup and set your intentions now.
You get to decide who you want to be. You get to choose to let go of anything that is heavy, dark and unappealing in any way that doesn't serve you. Maybe it served you in the past, maybe there was some kind of payoff, but it doesn't serve you any longer. And now is your time to let go. Here is a super simple and effective ritual when it comes to tuning in and letting go. And you can always go back to the show notes because this is going to be transcribed. So don't feel like you have to madly you know rush to write down the steps, just head back to the show notes. And you can copy paste this and take a peek at it.
So any rituals really are about carving space, and setting intentions. I like to light a candle or burn incense. I also love to sage myself and my space that feels really good. So when you're setting your intention, it's really about for this particular time of the year and for Winter Solstice, letting go of the darkness, to transform it into the light. You can write down what you want to let go of on a piece or several pieces of paper.
And again, take some time. I like to think about it as going through all the different areas of my mind, my heart, my body, I breathe and allow whatever wants to bubble up and be expressed to come to the surface. I'm not rushing it. I'm not writing one or two things and be like okay, got that checked off the list. So really give yourself lots of juicy space. Because you might be surprised just by the act of slowing down, things are going to bubble up that may surprise you. That may bring up some emotion that may have been buried for a while because we've tucked them away in the corner or through a blanket over them metaphorically. And so we're really now giving space and unveiling what wants to be seen, what's been maybe knocking at our door, what's maybe been expressing itself as dis-ease or pain in our body. This is an opportunity to tune in, and just make contact with all of those messages that are trying to come through, writing down, what you want to release is really powerful, sinking into the feeling of trust, that you are exactly where you need to be. And that all is well within your world.
Reaffirm to yourself, that you get to architect the life that you want, you get to change the story. You get to rewrite old limiting beliefs. It's almost like rewriting a hard drive, you get to do that for yourself. You get to move on as the light leader that you are destined to be. Remember to be present with yourself. Breathe into the space and dropping from your head into your heart, into your body. Tuning into the breath, listening to those inner messages, and just allowing. Allow yourself to just be.
This simple, but powerful act is one that you can do often. It's one that is a way to grant yourself grace. You can do this alone, or you can gather a group of your girlfriends. One year, I did this with five ladies, we made a whole thing of it with fun food and meditation, and just a sharing opportunity. And it was really beautiful.
So this is one example of resetting, and showing yourself grace. And you know what, there are so many more ways, little, little things that you can do throughout your day to show yourself that you have your own back, that you deserve all the kindness that you outpour to others. And it starts with self love. Your example of grace to yourself will be a model for others to follow - your bestie, your daughter, your mother, people are watching. And this is really a beautiful opportunity to model self care. When we see others living out self kindness, it gives us hope for ourselves and it gives us permission, permission to try it out, permission to lean into the possibility of living in a new way of speaking to ourselves in a new way with kindness and dignity. So I invite you to take this opportunity, as we move into Winter, as the solstice and nature and the planets are guiding us to rest and reflect. Embrace this opportunity to release, to change directions, to set an intention that will seed you in this beautiful way. It will amplify what you truly desire and set you on a path as we start releasing 2022. And moving into 2023.
This is such a beautiful and powerful exercise, to reset, to calm our nervous systems, and to have this intention that both feels like setting us up for a purposeful life, and it also sets us up to take more time out for ourself. Because we know that when we're healthy - mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, that we can give more. And I know because you're listening to this, that service is a really important aspect. That impact, that ripple effect means something to you. Leaving a legacy means something to you. So start with yourself. Give yourself this time, and I cannot wait to see what comes up for you. I would love it if you wanted to even share with me what comes up during this ritual. What comes up maybe during a journaling session when you're really having this intention of self-kindness, Dash me a DM on any of the social channels, or feel free to email me at Kc at Kcrrossi.com I am cheering for you all the way and sending you lots of positive vibes during this time. Until next week, my friend breathe joy.
I hope you enjoyed today's episode. If so head on over to www.lovethepodcast.com/brilliance to review the show. Also and this is so important as the feminine energy is rising, as women leaders are coming more into their own -it's important to support one another. Subscribing, sharing, sending a link to another woman, when you've enjoyed something, not only my work, but any other female creator, it not only supports that female creator, but contributes to women in general. It contributes to this feminine rising. And so, I don't know about you, but that really excites me. I can't wait to see what my friends and other females create. And it just juices me up to be a part of anything that has to do with women empowerment, anything that has to do with inspiring other females to use their voice, to take a chance, right to lean in and trust their own intuition, because we create some pretty amazing things. Thank you so much for being here, and I'll catch you next week.