Unbeatable Mind: Amplify Passion, Principles, and Purpose for Inspiring Impact

In our current times of increased division, strife, and global upset, it’s essential to enhance your emotional resilience.


In this Heart Glow CEO™ episode, you will discover:

  • How to Amplify Your Passion: Learn to feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you and how this energy can drive you forward.
  • The Importance of Identifying Your Core Values: Understand why knowing your core values helps you make aligned choices that reflect your true self.
  • The Power of Tapping into Your Purpose: Explore how connecting with your purpose can make a significant impact on people and the planet.

Reflection brings awareness, which in turn increases your ability to make conscious choices. Start today and unlock the power of passion, principles, and purpose to navigate life with clarity and strength.


Episode Mentions:

Unbeatable Mind by Mark Divine

5 Wicked Ways to Unleashing Your 20X Factor

#136 The Incredible Power of Knowing Your Deep Why


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About Kc:

Kc Rossi is obsessed with transformation, especially helping entrepreneurs and leaders level up.

She’s been named One of the Top 13 Business Coaches today and One of the Top 500 Influential Leaders Making a Difference. After running her confection manufacturing business for 17 years, she ventured off to support other solopreneurs build, grow, and thrive.

When she’s not coaching or keeping up with personal development, she’s out for a walk around the Finger Lakes, cooking up plant-based eats, or leaning into downward-facing dog.

Fun fact: Kc is a manifesting generator who has been scuba diving with sharks!


Connect with Kc:

Business & Leadership Coach - Kc Rossi
