How Saying "YES" Enhances Your Business

be bold blog positive psychology say yes take risks

Can you think of a tiny 3-lettered word that holds infinite possibilities?

If you answered “YES,” then you are correct!

Every single day, we encounter thousands of questions, both in our lives and businesses. They start with small ones, like if you should have a healthy green smoothie for breakfast. Later in the day, once you’re at work, you might be asked more complex questions that could alter the course of your solopreneur journey.

When you’re confronted by a big, scary question that could change everything, our instinct might be to say, “NO.”

Your brain may come up with a multitude of reasons for this, like:

  • It’s not the right time
  • I can’t afford it
  • I’m just not ready
  • Sounds too difficult
  • And on and on…

I want you to take a minute and imagine something with me. What if the next time an opportunity presents itself, you push aside that little voice that says “No” and instead allow an immediate “Yes” to come out of your mouth!

Can you feel that? Breathe into the YES. Give yourself permission and space to hang out in that zone for a little while. Let your mind wander with excitement. Be creative, be wild, be adventurous.

One of the biggest limitations of a creative mind flow is we don’t give ourselves enough time to explore possibilities. We always move onto the next thing. I know I fall into that trap often! Instead, try to...

  • Be present.
  • Be generous with yourself.
  • Don’t multitask when making decisions.
  • Think of the positive potential – “Wouldn’t it be amazing if…”

How does that feel?

Saying “Yes” is a completely different experience than allowing our brains to take the path of least resistance, dismiss an opportunity too quickly, and move on to the next shiny object.

I’m not saying that you should be impulsive and entirely disengage our reasoning mind. After all, that rational part of your brain is what protects you from making dangerous or disastrous decisions. 

However, encouraging ourselves to say “Yes” more often is not only empowering, but it also opens doors that can enhance your life and business. The more we practice affirmative thoughts, the more we align ourselves with positive and powerful opportunities.

There’s no better time to say “Yes” than when an idea or opportunity comes into your path. Can’t afford it? Well, many times “affording” something is a relative term. There are many ways to negotiate, barter, design on a dime, etc. Don’t feel that you are ready yet? Well, if we always wait until we’re “ready,” that day may never come. Shying away from something just because it may stretch us is no reason to say no. If we aren’t moving towards our best selves, then what’s our purpose?

For once, let’s put limiting factors like time, money, fear, and laziness in their proper place – the back of the line. Instead, try saying “Yes” to yourself and watch magical things happen!

Until next time…breathe joy,

P.S.  Have you ever experienced exciting changes in your life and business because you dared to say "Yes?" I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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