Wanting to simplify your business? Read on for 4 top tips.
I’ve always been drawn to the complex.
Complex conversations, artwork, landscaping, deep philosophy, and the like. It always seemed like the person knew what they were talking about if it was complex and “meaty.” I don’t think I am alone with this mindset.
However, as I refine my way of thinking and lifestyle, the beauty of simplicity is rising to the top. With all the noise of the internet, I think more people are looking for a distilled version of it all, a clear picture, a breakdown of the most crucial points if you will.
If you pay attention to some of the top leaders in the industry, the marketing is getting simplified. We are not seeing big arrows pointing to a “Buy Me” button, flashing timers counting down until the cart closes, and endless copy on the sales page. The facebook lead ads are being styled with more whitespace and a single call to action. Opt-ins rarely highlight a 3-part video series, free ebook, or lengthy white paper anymore.
People are really in information overload.
They are still surfing, actually more than ever, but want the pre-digested version so it’s easier to consume. Clean sales pages with the “what’s in it for me” crystal clear, checklists vs. ebooks, single-page reports that are designed for quick scan absorption, and most of all easy.
So how can you strip some stuff away and simplify to boost your ROI and increase conversions? Here are 4 ways to begin:
1. Simply State What You Offer
Writing engaging copy has its place for sure! But wisely craft your subject lines, headlines, and ad titles. Don’t use flowery language or talk above your audience. Once you engage them in a simply and straightforwardly, the odds of your goal (open rate, opt-in, sale) greatly increase.
2. Keep the Road to Sales Clear
The same goes for your checkout process. Make it as clean and simple as possible. Do you know how many sales are lost with “abandon carts?” A lot! If you’ve connected with your customer to the cart page make sure to “close the sale” by providing a secure and comfortable checkout experience. If you advertised a coupon code, make sure it’s easy to use and that it works. Be careful with how many, if any, pop-ups you have on the checkout page. Your efforts to have an upsell or cross-sell may cost you any sale if the person feels distracted or even worse irritated.
Transparent pricing, ways to modify the order, an option to create an account for faster repeat business, and a friendly confirmation are all great things to build into your shopping experience.
3. Uncomplicate Your Systems
How many people do you have working on the same project? Are their roles clearly defined so there is no cross-over work? How many times do you touch a project folder, email, task, etc. before it’s complete? Can you put your finger on a specific URL, jpg, receipt, etc. when you need it or do you have to go on an endless search?
Despite the initial project’s scope of magnitude, simplifying every aspect of your business is a gift of efficiency and stress reduction that will keep on giving. Of course, it requires maintenance once you have your new process organized, but it’s worth it!
A couple of tools that have helped simplify my workflow are:
Trello: I use this free app countless times throughout the day. “Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards.” It’s awesome to keep track of your to-do list, share tasks with team members, catalog/archive important events and details, and more.
Google Docs: Google is the bomb! I love their work suite of products and especially utilize Google docs for everything from blog posts to course creation. You can share files, slice and dice the organizational tree, and access files from any device.
Slack: An online instant messaging app that connects you to your team for “real-time” communication. You can upload files, create specific channels to your business, and search past threads with one-click. Plus, it integrates with other apps like Trello and Google Docs!
4. Meet Your Audience Where They Are.
You may know volumes in your field of interest, but knowing how, what, where, and when to deliver it is a huge part of the mastery.
I used to teach aromatherapy workshops. My interest was in the science, molecular structure, and the mysteries of its complexities. What I found almost 10 out of 10 times was that folks just wanted to learn the very basics of essential oils so that they could create a simple blend to take home and share it with their family.
It was an eye-opening experience for me, and I learned a lot about the value of connecting with my audience and tapping into why they showed up vs. getting charged hearing my own voice ramble on!
We are all familiar with the KISS acronym (Keep It Simple Stupid). Simplicity is far from stupid. In fact, simplifying can be quite difficult to accomplish cleverly. Those that master it, though, not only have an opportunity for a faithful and trusting audience but one that keeps coming back for a clear and easy experience.
What are some of your favorite brands that have mastered simplicity? I’d love to know in the comments below.
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