Many times, entrepreneurs feel that once they commit to an idea or niche that they’re attached to it for the life of their business. This is not so.
When we become aware that our venture is not in alignment or doesn’t feel authentic we need to make a change. These are indicators of when to pivot in business.
For 17 years, I operated a gourmet food company. It was very successful. Our primary goods sold were chocolate and it appealed to the masses! As my personal diet changed, which in turn restructured my mental and emotional wiring, selling sugar didn’t feel in alignment. What to do?
Well, for a while, I did nothing. I began to feel separate from my “day job” and what juiced me up. My Monday through Friday became a little black and white, paid the bills, and started to feel like a bit of a grind. I had a lack of integration with my passion.
So, when that scene no longer served me, my business partner and I decided to make a whole new, low sugar snack line which included superfoods like cacao, goji berries, fresh organic nuts, etc. We decided to donate a portion of the profits to worthy causes and we were off to the races.
Sounds awesome, right?
Best of both worlds – continue with the profitable venture of gourmet foods integrated with wholesome values that inspired me. In theory, it was awesome. However, in reality, our customer base was so steeped in our standard fare and really didn’t have an interest in a “health line.”
Tip: Knowing your ideal customer is key! Trying to make the “shoe fit” on a customer base designed for a completely different product, in the end, won’t work.
Of course, there are always choices when you find yourself in a quandary.
- Accept the situation
- Change the situation
- Leave the situation
In the end, I ended up selling that company so I could pursue a career that focused on holistic wellness. It wasn’t an easy decision, but taking that step changed my life for the better!
Mindful prompts that will help determine when to pivot in business:
- Awareness
Be deeply aware of what light’s you up, what you want to spend an investment of your life on. Be aware of who your market is, of your niche, of the ideal audience that wants to listen to your message and trust you with their purchases. Be aware of how you feel at the end of a workday/week - do you have energy or are you completely drained. If it’s the latter, ask yourself why. Is it the workload or poor time management or is it because what you’re doing day in and day out doesn’t make you happy anymore? How can you make changes that will holistically serve you?
- Alignment
Focus on how aligned your offering is with your core beliefs and values. Ultimately, the closer your talents and your fundamental belief system are, the better chances your endeavor will serve you long term. Of course, as you go along you may need to fine-tune and tweak, much like a chiropractor does when your spine needs an adjustment. But, if your original body of work matches your individual alignment, the shifts needed most likely will be minor and easy to implement.
And guess what? If it’s going to take more than a minor tweak to set things right - you’ve got this! Pivoting is a natural process of being a solopreneur.
- Authenticity
Injecting Vitamin A (authenticity), into your daily business life will not only attract the right tribe, but it will be fulfilling. When you bring your whole self to the table – unmasked, unpolished, and unperfected healing and magic happens.
Speaking of authenticity, remember to share your origin story. All too often I witness female entrepreneurs afraid to share bits of their past for fear of judgment, shame, or embarrassment.
However, your divine right clients are waiting to hear the raw and the real. Your vulnerability will pull them towards you. It also gives them permission to do the same and realize that they are not alone or broken.
To your continued growth, shifting, and re-alignment.
Until next time…breathe joy,
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